I'm feeling somewhat subdued today. The realisation of the huge academic backlog that I have isn't a particularly pleasant one. Here goes.
I have a test on Bleak House on the 30th of this month, and then another one on Mary Wollstonecraft's A Vindication of the Rights of Men and books IX, X and XI of Wordsworth's Prelude on the 10th of Novemeber, followed by a test on Donne's love poetry and all 154 sonnets of Shakespeare and poems of Thomas Nashe on the 13th. In between, I also need to beg and plead and arrange to take a re-test on Donne and Herbert's religious poetry and book VI of Spenser's Faerie Queene that I couldn't take before the vacations because of fever. I also have to read C.L.R. James' The Black Jacobins and write a Wikipedia article on Toussaint L'Ouverture for an assignment that has been pending forever. Also, if I am not mistaken, there will be an as-yet-unannounced-and-unscheduled test for my Victorian course before the 17th of November. And oh, did I forget to mention that I must write and submit two 2000-5000 words term papers before the 17th, as well? I have no freaking clue what one of them is going to be on. The subject of the other though, I have tentatively decided, is to be 'death in erotic literature' - research for contemporary pop-culture references of which involves digging up and reading immensely bad pornography. But I do recommend the reading of Sade as a definitive libido killer.
I could do with a hug and some consolation. Alternatively, kill me NOW.
Update: For the test on the 10th, I have to study either Wordsworth or Wollstonecraft, not both. But for the test on the 13th, I do have to study Petrarch as background to the other poets. The offer to get killed still stands. Thank you.