Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Ooh! I have a wedding proposal!

My parents received the first ever proper sombondho for my wedding today.
An ex-colleague of my father's apparently feels that a twenty seven years old man, with MBA qualifications, an independent firm owner in Bombay, Raipuri bangali, sadgop, who comes from three generations of doctors, would make an excellent groom for me.
My parents have very politely declined said sombondho saying that I do not wish to get married until I complete my Masters at least, and have plans of pursuing studies beyond it - despite the gentleman saying that it is possible to continue to pursue (and stop at) a Masters after getting married.
In lieu, the gentleman has asked my father to look for another suitable bride, with certain specifications. My father is currently going through a list of all eligible young women he knows, including my cousins, and negating most of them on the grounds that they aren't pretty enough, or polished enough. This is the first time that my father has come even close to acknowledging that my features are distinct from and more attractive than those of a door panel, and that I may have some semblance of social grace.

I am highly amused.