the irredeemable children of today
where do i even begin to begin?
the obsessive bitchiness? the incessant name-calling? the total ignorance? the unforgivable abuse of the english language? the pretension nonpareil? the obnoxious obstreperousness? the profound homophobia and insensitivity? the absolute disregard for any kind of decency? the unmitigated nastiness? the sheer genius for being pathetic?
but there's a masterpiece describing it all. so i shall leave well alone and simply enjoy the fun.
but one thing i must say. i am severely disturbed that he looked long enough to realise the necessity of a magnifying glass.
Question: Can masturbation cause acne in some people?
Answer: No. That ugly rumor got started because most people start masturbating and get acne at about the same age.
that explains a lot now, doesn't it?
when it comes to some people, i can so well imagine them getting fired from their sad little jobs on charges of verbal harrassment.