Thursday, July 13, 2006

Mia Blacknose

Haven't been particularly enthused about blogging lately. Haven't had the time or the energy - but truth be told, haven't been particularly interested either. Maybe I'm phasing out. Ignored the blog's birthday - which was in the second way of May, I think, and have still not done anything with the template, even though I have been thinking about it for at least a few months now.


Play rehearsals Classes have started. Many many new faces in the department. But have been inspired to converse with none of them yet. Feeling very unsocial again.

What else has been happening? One line mis-quote in HT article on Orkut. Also gave three boys the finger after they started passed many annoying comments. That shut them up quite, quite firmly. Also managed to get extract corrected marksheet from the office of the Controller of Examinations. Five marks and an entire grade point increase. Yay.

Have been rather lonely lately.