Wednesday, August 31, 2005

how to dismantle a cigarette butt

spent better half of ten minutes perched atop bathroom windowsill in the middle of the night, pouring water out of the window to wash away two weeks worth of tobacco that had accumulated on a two inches broad ledge-thingy outside, because i had had the addle-brained idea for a while that after my nightly smoke it was a bright move to dismantle the butts (filter, paper, remaining-tobacco separate!) before chucking them, as they land on the asbestos chhaat of the people downstairs. was aiming at inconspicuity - didn't realise that while i was crumpling and throwing the filter and paper quite far away, the tobacco i was managing to land quite spectacularly in the dark. poked my head out of the window one afternoon, and got quite a shock. thank the stars that parents haven't been doing much poking-head-out-of-window. and it hasn't been raining either. that was a narrow escape.

it is SO not my life if it isn't ridiculous.