a day in the life...
...or, it's getting hot in here!
i got so hungry in college today that i actually begged permission from my professor to bunk class and go and eat. when he said i could, left my bags in his office and ran. ate parathas and thai chicken. was brilliant. walked back into class just as it was getting over. said professor made faces at me and called me a glutton, but didn't say much else.
and then it started raining. sat on the ledge with simon, and smoked a cigarette. and then suddenly felt that all that was necessary for life to be perfect was coffee. and simon, being the horrible person he is, obviously refused to budge - but asked me to bring some back for him if i could. ergo, i then made a mad dash for the canteen in the pouring rain. carried coffee back to the department at a slightly slower pace, using a newspaper thonga to cover the cups. and then we sat and drank coffee, and waited for class.
class was simply uncredible and inbelievable! the classroom wasn't vacant when we filed in - four dogs had taken shelter inside. but they were shooed out in due course, and class started. within half an hour, however, two of the dogs were back. and they immediately made their way to a corner, and as we stared in amazement, proceeded to engage in furious intercourse. i mean, seriously, there is just NO other way of describing it.
and amidst peals of laughter and rampant copulation, class just went on.
JUDE is bizzare!